Chilli weather

Cold outside but the propagator is helping the chillis to get started.

Ubuntu 15.10

Just to report that the upgrades all have gone seamlessly as in the past. well done Ubuntu!

Openshot video editor update

There has been big progress with Openshot, read for yourselves here

It looks like an Alpha release of the multi platform version 2.0 is getting close.


Good news!

Ubuntu 15.04 and Windows10

Ubuntu continues to evolve and also continues to provide seamless updates, it will be interesting to see how the forthcoming Windows 10 upgrade goes when it arrives at the end of this month.

Openshot video editor

Openshot works really well on Linux but no news on the release of the windows version. Anyone got any news?

Ubuntu 14.04

Ubuntu 14.04 has been released and as per usual the upgrade went without any problems on both my laptop and net-book (Xubuntu).   If you have not yet tried/switched to Ubuntu I can only suggest you give it a try which, incidentally, you can do by running it from a CD/DVD without actually installing it on your machine! As expected, OneUbuntu cloud is no longer supported but as I posted previously, Dropbox is very well integrated and is performing perfectly for my requirements.

Ubuntu One –> Dropbox

Now that Canonical has announced the withdrawal of the Ubuntu One cloud service later this year I decided to take another look at Dropbox which I have previously tried but abandoned in favour of Ubuntu One’s cross platform capabilities. Well, Dropbox has come along and now the cross platform functionality, at least Ubuntu/Windows, is available in a seamless way. On Ubuntu you can install using the software centre. I’ve re-installed Dropbox and installed the Ubuntu app  and all is running fine with almost immediate notifications of any changes being done to files  being flagged to any platform sharing the account. You can find Dropbox here

Luminance HDR

If you like experimenting with your photographic images then do take a look at this open source HDR software. It’s very easy to use and you can create some neat HDR effects very quickly. You can read more and find a link here.

Ubuntu 13.10

As usual, no problems to install the latest version of Ubuntu using the upgrade function of the software manager, worked seamlessly on the laptop and for Xubuntu on the EEEPC notebook.


I recently came across this open source cross-platform application which is a dynamic maths software package. Absolutely magic! If only I’d had this when preparing for exams all those years ago.  It combines graphic ingenuity with  formulas and modelling.  If you are preparing for exams or even just curious about maths, algebra, geometry or basic calculus then do take a look at this.

The home page is here and there are loads of tutorials and examples to help get you started.